Meeting: Danish TV Drama
Research Project Seminar
Info about event
ADA-333, Helsingforsgade 14, 8200 Aarhus N
The seminar takes place on Wednesday December 16th at 10-18.30 in ADA 333, Helsingforsgade 14 (entrance from the courtyard, 3. floor). After the meeting, we will have dinner in town. Anne M’s mobile if you get lost: 40231785.
Feedback sessions:
Please distribute your article/draft to the rest of the group no later than Wednesday December 9th. The persons asked to prepare for feedback write (individually) their comments and questions on a piece of paper/in a document and give it to the author(s) immediate after the feedback. We also invite our guests and students to prepare for feedback. Some of you are asked to give feedback on two papers - I hope you are OK with that.
Nina will come back to you regarding the meals and she will coordinate it with respectively the cantina and the restaurant (Nina Quist:
During the meeting, Nina, Katrine and Maria will take photos of you and make mini-interviews with you to be presented at our website: