Aarhus University Seal

Transnational Television PhD Course - Meet the Experts

Both the participants and the experts contributing the course are truly 'transnational' in their research interests and academic journeys. Read more about our experts here.

This workshop is truly transnational. The thirteen participating PhD students have travelled from the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Denmark and Turkey. With them they have brought research not only on these countries, but also the UK, China, Brazil, Belgium and the Philippines. The experts working with the PhD students over the day are equally transnational, all with their different perspective on the topic:

  • Janet McCabe, Senior Lecturer in Film and Television Studies at Birkbeck, University of London is working on transnational television through the lenses of gender studies and the public sphere.
  • Matt Hills, Professor of Media and Journalism at the University of Huddersfield in the UK is working on fan practices, for example relating to the British series Sherlock and Doctor Who.
  • Jeanette Steemers, Professor of Culture, Media & Creative Industries at Kings College London is working on international distribution of television, with a particular eye on children’s media. In April and May 2017 she was visiting Aarhus University as a guest researcher.
  • Vilde Schanke Sundet is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Film and Television at Lillehammer University College and is currently working on Norwegian television’s way abroad, e.g. the NRK/Netflix co-production Lilyhammer or the hit youth series SKAM.
  • Lothar Mikos, Professor for Media Studies at the Filmuniversität Babelsberg "Konrad Wolf" works on the Economy of International TV Format Trade and the distribution of television series worldwide. In spring 2017 Lothar Mikos is visiting Aarhus University as a guest researcher, too.
  • Eva Novrup Redvall, Associate Professor at the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication joins us from the University of Copenhagen. She is an expert on researching creative processes in screenwriting and Danish TV production.

The experts from abroad are joined by local expertise from Anne Marit Waade and Susanne Eichner, both Associate Professors at the School of Communication and Culture in Aarhus. Anne Marit Waade, the project leader of the national funded long-term project "What Makes Danish TV Drama Travel" and Susanne Eichner, the course director of the PhD workshop are also our hosts for the three-days course, which is financed by the Graduate School of Arts of Aarhus. Pia Mabritt Jensen, Associate Professor at School of Communication and Culture is also joining the expert team from Aarhus.

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