Up-start seminar in Aarhus - October 9, 2014
Transnational Production, Cultural Export and the Global Reception of Danish Drama Series
Info about event
Aarhus University, venue: building 5335 (Nygaard), the lunchroom at 2nd floor
Thursday, October 9: 14-18, and dinner in the night. Friday, October 10: 9-16
Venue: Aarhus University, venue: building 5335 (Nygaard), the lunchroom at 2nd floor
Participants: Jakob, Kim, Ushma, Gunhild, Pia, Lynge, Sanne, Eva, Anne Marit, Iris and Andrea.
Invited guests: Lothar Mikos (Berlin), Ruth McElroy (Wales) and Caitriona Noonan (Wales)
Wednesday, October 8: 14-16 (venue tba – we might meet in Nobel)
Workshop: Television production in small countries – in an international perspective
Ruth McElroy (Wales) and Caitriona Noonan (Wales) are part of a research centre in Wales focusing on media industry in small countries. In the workshop we will exchange ideas and research findings across the countries – and we will discuss how we can collaborate within the next four years.
Participants: Ruth, Caitriona, Ushma, Iris and Pia have already confirmed their participation - the workshop is open for all of us, please come.
Thursday October 9: 14.15 – 21.30
(9-12: Nordic Noir seminar for the MA students - see programme below - welcomeJ)
14.15: Welcome and presentation of the program (Anne Marit)
14.30: Brainstorm: What makes Danish TV drama series travel? 30 minutes in each team
(Production, Text and Audience) and 30 minutes plenary
15.30: Eva Novrup Redvall: The Screen Idea System as model for studying Danish TV Drama
series across cultures
16:00: Coffee break
16.15: Andrea Esser: Researching the media industry (incl. Media Across Borders http://mediaacrossborders.com)
16.45: Ushma Jacobsen: Multi-sited ethnography as an approach to our audience studies
17.15: Break
17:30: Wine&fine incl. INFO
1) Communication: internal & external (website etc.)
2) Budget & economy
3) Student assistance
4) Announcements and input:
- Upcoming meetings and workshops (fall 2014 and spring 2015) (AM)
- RIPE (Jakob)
- Oostende MeCETES worksop sept14 (Lynge)
- Collaboration with MeCETES (AM+ Pia)
- Lumiére event in Cph Sept14 (Eva)
- Visit Denmark (Pia + Am)
- Creative Europe (DFI) (Pia + Am)
18.15: End – and we go for dinner (bike&taxa)
18.30: Dinner at Kocherier Det Glade Vandvid http://www.kocherier.dk/RESTAURANT-DET-GLADE-VANVID.62.aspx
Friday October 10: 9-16
(9-12: Pia and Andrea will give a lecture for the students)
9-9.30: Input1: Caitriona Noonan & Ruth McElroy (Wales): Media production in small nations
9.30-10: Input2: Lothar Mikos (Berlin): European media industry: conditions, markets, research
10-10.15: Break
10.15-10.45: Input 3: Iris Rittenhofer: Theoretical approaches to media production across boarders; ’country of origin’ as concept in marketing
10.45—12.30: Brainstorm on the project’s (text) production study: How will we do it? (Milestones: empirical studies, which series, interviews, when, who & how etc.)
12.30-13.15: Lunch
13.15: Photo session (AU Communication photograph)
13.30: Brainstorm on the project’s audience study: How will we do it? (Milestones: empirical studies, which series, interviews, when, who & how etc.)
15.15: Break
15.30: Sum up: How will we do it? Milestones: empirical studies, which series, interviews, when, who & how?
16.00: End
Extra: Thursday 9, 9.15-12.00: in Adorno, room 138: seminar for the MA students (Media studies)
6)Tors 9.okt. 9-12
| International research panel:Nordic Noir and Danish Television Drama Series as International Brand: Production value and medium concept. Gunhild Agger, Ruth McElroy, Catriona Noonan & Anne Marit Waade
| Andres Nestingen (2008): Crime and Fantasy in Scandinavia, Fiction Film and Social Change, University of Washington Press, kap 2: ”Medium concept” (uddrag, 20 s.) Pia M. Jensen & Anne M. Waade (2013) ”Nordic Noir Production Values. The Killing and The Bridge”, i Akademisk Kvarter, Aalborg, pp 189-202, (Bestseller and Blockbuster Culture), link hele nr.: http://www.akademiskkvarter.hum.aau.dk/pdf/vol7/AK_Vol_07_12_2013.pdf Gunhild Agger (2011): “Adaptioner, spinoffs og selvstændige produktioner: strategier i svensk og dansk tv-krimi”, in: Kosmorama 248/2011 Blandford, S. and Lacey, S. (2011) – ‘Screening Wales: portrayal, representation and identity – a case study’, in Critical Studies in Television 6, 2 Blandford, S. and McElroy, R. (2011) 'Promoting public service? Branding, place and BBC Cymru Wales’ idents, promos and trailers’, Journal of British Cinema and Television 8 (3), pp.392-410 Mette Hjort (2010) 'How they thrive and why they matter' in Mediascapes: http://www.tft.ucla.edu/mediascape/Winter2011_SmallCinemas.html Supplerende litteratur: Ib Bondebjerg & Eva Redvall: A Small region in a Global World, CEMES Working paper No1/2011, kap 3: ”The Small of Global Success: The ScandinavianTelevision Drama”, pp 99-127 Eva Redvall (2011): ”Dogmer for tv drama”, Kosmorama, Årgang 57/nr.248, pp 180-198 Mette Hjort (co-ed.): The Cinema of Small nations (the Introduct.) |