Aarhus University Seal

Bring your data

This is our Christmas stop-up meeting & analysis laboratory. We want to get an overview of all the empirical material we have and to develop strong analytical ideas.

Info about event


Wednesday 14 December 2016, at 09:30 - Thursday 15 December 2016, at 17:00


ADA 333, Helsingforsgade 14, 8200 Aarhus N

This is workshop in which we emphasise the empirical material we have, highlights from your data, be it from text, production or audience studies, and thus no theoretical framework is needed. We suggest that you present some expected findings and some that were surprising.

This should hopefully allow us to share and develop strong analytical arguments and bring us closer to answering the questions we started out with. Aim for no more than 15 minutes for each presentation. We will also do a SWOT-analysis of our project in relation to related research projects (i.e. the MeCETES, Media engagement, and Sifti projects).

We will invite some guests to come up with critical questions, comments and feedback (Andrea Esser, Roehampton University, and Mads Møller Andersen, AU)

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