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Welcome Lothar Mikos

This spring, Lothar Mikos is visiting us. He will be in Denmark for 4 months until the end of June.

Lothar Mikos is from Berlin, where he was head of the department of media studies at Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf in Potsdam, Germany, which is a small university with mainly art departments.

Lothar Mikos work areas include:
• Economy of International TV Format Trade
• Television Series Worldwide • Digital Distribution • (De-) Convergence Culture
• Popular Television Genres and Formats • Sports Media
• Audience Studies

At the moment, Lothar Mikos is studying the consequences of digitalization for television on audience, content, distribution, and production levels. Furthermore, Lothar Mikos is interested in European co-productions – particularly of Tv Drama Series in Europe.

In this regard, Lothar Mikos has, together with our Susanne Eichner, conducted the german audience study for “What Makes Danish Tv Drama Series Travel?”

Lothar Mikos highlights the long personal tradition of collaboration with the School of Communication and Culture, Media Studies at Aarhus University, as the main reason for visiting Denmark. 

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